Wednesday 26 January 2011

Marxist Bankers.

I’ve just sat on a bus next to a woman on the phone. “Well I’ll take out 20 or 30 for the shopping, that leaves150 and we’ve got 50 int’ savings but we won’t touch that.” But this isn’t a call for pity. Or maybe it is. As I remember it in ’39 the men leaping out of windows weren’t plumbers or bakers, or the unemployed. If there’s a second dip to dwarf the first this lady might lose her £200, all of it! In fact any number from 200 to the beautiful billion of a bankers bonus multiplied by zero equals …(answer at end) In a strange quirk of stupidity the whole financial sector seems hell bent on universal financial parity for everybody, like hitting the cash till’s reset button. Could it actually be that bankers are Marxist? That’s a novel conspiracy theory. So who should I feel pity for? The woman at pound zero would be pretty familiar with the territory but Mr B the banker will have lost disastrously. He won’t even get anything for his Ferrari on a collapsed second hand car market. So all these bankers, when they could reign in all their high-risk financial trickery and keep their wealth, remain intent on selfless Marxism and equality for all. If they all refused their bonus this year, refused to trade on a mega leveraged zero capital basis, if they acted to protect the world’s financial situation instead of getting round regulatory rules at every opportunity they have a chance of remaining wealthy. But that’s not likely to happen, not if they’re all revolutionary Marxists.  

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