Thursday, 15 December 2011

Jerusalem most Holey.

Jerusalem is the holey city. Holey because it’s been built, knocked down, rebuilt, besieged, burnt down, rebuilt and shot at by all three branches of Abraham, the Romans, Greeks, in fact anyone with a decent army west of the Himalayas. King David ruled there, Jesus died there and Mohamed had nothing to do with it, but his followers built a big gold dome there anyway just to piss the other two off. So now Jerusalem is the holy city of Jews, Christians and Islamistas, a veritable department store for monotheist except where home furnishing is at odds with the cosmetics counter who in turn loathe men’s underwear. It’s somewhat ironic that the home of three world religions professing peace and love needs so much policing compared with say Whitby, the home of Dracula. This somehow meshes with an article in Therapy Today bemoaning the fact that every attempt at proving the efficacy of therapy gives illogical or at least inconclusive results. OK we each view the world through our own uniquely aberrant sunglasses. Behind them is an eye that receives the distorted image believing it to be the world. It considers its response and projects it back through the same aberration. The world then sees this distortion believing it to be the eye. This leads to confusion. When the glasses hold the distortion of a belief that ‘my way is better’ the eye is presented with the world as inferior. The eye knowing this not to be the case projects peace and love which is then distorted back into ‘you are inferior.’ What follows is a sort of belligerent sit-com. Spirit is distorted by beliefs about spirit such that the most spiritual act in the most un-spiritual ways, and people in therapy respond in some ways from spirit and some ways beliefs. So it’s to be expected the most holy city is also the most holey and therapy will forever provide inconclusive results.

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