Friday, 2 December 2011


It’s been ten years and three months since 9/11, enough time to take a considered view. I remember all the conspiracy theories at the time that were subsequently disproved, or at least ignored by the official investigation. What I’m left with is collateral issues from accepted facts. In the days leading up to 9/11 there were highly unusual put to call options specifically and only in the companies affected by the attack. This, as well as being a strong sign of insider trading, suggests prior knowledge of it. An FBI supervisor reported a month before the attack that they had discovered a plot to fly planes into the twin towers which was ignored, and other agents felt thwarted by the government in their investigations. Eye witness accounts of strange sounds and dust in the building in the months before, and firemen hearing a sequence of bangs prior to the collapse, also of people being warned not to go to work that day. And for me the strangest of all; the collapse of building 7. This was not hit by a plane or damaged by the collapses. Later in the day there was a fairly insignificant fire on one of the floors and it collapsed at around 5.30pm in a way typical of a building ‘being pulled’ i.e. purposely demolished. A videoed interview with the owner of all seven Trade Centre buildings, a Mr Silverstein, shows him saying, “so we decided to pull it.” He later explained what he meant to say was ‘we decided to pull the people out of it just in case it collapsed.’ The trouble with 9/11 is there’s enough smoking guns to equip an army. But whose army?

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