Saturday, 10 December 2011

Christmas Games.

So Christmas approacheth, time to dig up your nuts etc. And here’s some Christmas games. We played them last night for thespian warm up. It requires around six people. OK designate a settee or two chairs as a park bench where the first player sits and assumes the role of an unsuspecting member of the public. A second player joins him/her and assumes a personality with which to join the first player in conversation. After a few minutes the first finds a reason to leave and a third brings a new personality, and so on. For example last night a player joined and began to interview the other. “It says here you….” “Yes I’m used to working as a member of a team and …” “and your IT skills?” “Well I’m fine with Word, Excel, oh and Power Point.” “So how do you think you’ll cope with the lions?” “I, er, I mean I, er, well I have a dog.” “Good.” “I, er ….” Etc. There followed an upset little girl, Father Christmas, a paranoid schizophrenic, a recalcitrant husband and a really annoying schoolgirl, and others. It’s a bit of a stretch to begin with but great fun when you get into it. In a similar vein two people stand up and converse. As soon as either one mentions another person they are replaced by a third being that other person. It’s whoever fancies a go that steps forward. Pretty soon if someone mentions a dog, the dog appears, then a house or later in my case a platform. Pandemonium sets in and changes become more rapid. At one point a woman was talking to her dog and mentioned a cat. We then had a dog and a cat, which as well as provoking a fight left us in a bit of a stalemate seeing as neither couldn’t talk. Having said that being a platform didn’t stop me wittering on about being taken for granted and being stepped on, which incidentally Maggie wasn’t meant to be taken literally. So there you have it. Given half a chance we can all be incredibly talented like those people in ‘Who’s Line is it anyway?’ Enjoy.

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