markets up, Prospects down.
stock markets are still rising as the whole world goes into
recession. Very odd. If you have a pension or investments the people
who look after them are very keen to make your pot grow, otherwise
they’d be out of a job. TINA stands for ‘There Is No Alternative’
meaning the only game in town is stock markets. Basically a huge
amount of cash is chasing the best return and as that’s the stock
market it’s driving prices up. I’m trying to get my head round it
all by typing this. OK but shares are in companies that are busy
trying to survive, laying people off and closing plants etc, and
we’re all acquiring ever more titanic government debts by the day.
I have to say this smacks of Trumpian economics; ‘This is going to
be great- invest in me- Oh sorry, unforeseen problems- I’m off-
thanks for the cash.’ I imagine he’s currently working on some
Martian real-estate scam. So what does the future look like? Mmm,
scratch. I think we’ve created a system where the old adage, ‘the
rich get richer and the poor etc’ has gone into overdrive: A sort
of aggressive slavery (slaves aren’t always black) where the poor,
however hard we work, become more indebted and the rich reap the
benefits of our labour AND the interest on our debts. Of course this
is unsustainable and probably the underlying reason for the current
mass demonstrations. Mmm, another scratch. So what can be done? OK
what did the black slaves do? Oh this is even more depressing. They
couldn’t do anything, and those that did got strung up. They were
categorised as lesser beings and subject to different disadvantageous
rules. Their subservience was treated with abject fondness and their
objections as ‘thugery’ in Preti and Boris speak. It’s the same
old ‘ruling logic.’ So? It’s all a jigsaw puzzle where the
picture shows ‘Home sweet home’ but the pieces have been rammed
into reading ‘Homo swet heet me’. Not great but I am making this
up as I go along. So now I’m seeing the working poor demonstrating,
six abreast, together in a slow deliberate swaying march like that
classic old film Metropolis. It looks hugely intimidating; an
organised, unstoppable mass of bodies. No random, disjointed,
frenetic, outwardly aggressive milling crowd, just unstoppable. Not
leader and followers just homogenous humanity. It would make a great
graphic too. We’ll get Stormzy to do the music. Interestingly Fritz
Lang’s original screenplay for Metropolis was altered in the
American version to show the down trodden workers as the villains.
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