Sunday, 7 June 2020

Privilege Matters.

Just watched an American video; a field, a line of young people, a man saying “if …...take 2 steps forward.” The questions were about your start in life, parents married, often hungry, that sort of thing. It was pretty clear by ten or so questions the disparity of starts, the poor at the back, the comfortably off at the front. It was also clear there was a bias towards black people at the back. Of course there are many famous people who had poor starts and made something of themselves and others who squandered good ones, but the majority are profoundly influenced by it. Poverty causes stress which in turn causes family arguments and break up. It provokes lawlessness in an attempt to make ends meet and promotes anger and fear in equal parts. But again it sometimes doesn’t. It often limits one’s horizons and possibilities leading to the helping hand of alcohol and narcotics. But often the reverse is true. And in time there arises simplistic labels that in no way truly reflect the individual. So what is Black Lives Matter a response to? Poor parenting, poverty, skin, race, the dubious validity of law versus lawlessness, prejudice? For me it’s the destruction of human values by overbearing deviate states. We want almost viscerally a good home, loving parents, equality and fareness, understanding enough for a decent life, if fact the return of decency itself. Maybe Black Lives Matter is a French revolution of sorts, a fight for universal privilege. If that’s the case Donald, Boris and Dominic had better take heed.

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