watched Dominic Cummings in front of a select committee hearing. My
view? A severely damaged individual. What do I mean? He disassembled
every question like loosening the wheel nuts on an oncoming car
making it career off the road before it got to him. Time and time
again they tightened them and he loosened them making it appear it
was their own machinery at some kind of irrational fault leaving him
untouched in the middle of the road like some blank faced Midwich
Cuckoo. This is not acquired political expediency, it’s a childhood
survival mechanism. A lot of kids try it on but for it to remain the
survival mechanism of a full grown adult suggests a fearful
overbearing parent and a very damaged child. If anything I was
damaged in the reverse way. In the face of overbearing illogic I now
use logic as a means of survival; harming but not as dangerous. So
Cummings will never show weakness or contrition and will use his
considerable intellectual abilities to defend and manipulate anything
that he perceives as overbearing, importantly irrespective of its
rights and wrongs. As a hired gun he’s perfect. Tell him Remain is
the overbearing establishment and he will cut it at the knees, Corbyn
is soft, ditto, and the British public are clods and he will coral
them like sheep. Caught in Durham he will concoct a heart warming
explanation. And when Boris is pressured to sack him? Who knows, but
what he’s given can be taken away, ‘know what I mean.’ No one’s
born bad we just achieve it by our learnt defences. That Dominic
dominates is forty years historical. What I’ve learnt in seventy
odd years is however it’s explained certain people are best avoided
and definitely not exploited for their childhood damage.
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