The nature of consciousness.
I was stumbling, surely each neuron can’t hold specific
complex data, assign itself some even insignificantly small element of meaning
because how would it encode a million different meanings?
This is breathtaking!
All objects that we create are process based, i.e. we embed
in them a process designed to provide a certain function, be it a chair, car or
computer. When it doesn’t provide its function, ‘it’s broken.’ As we have
become surrounded by these process-based things we have a tendency to think we
are also process based, but I suggest we’re fundamentally different; we are
outcome based. We are essentially an experiential learning system rather than a
predefined process system. The difference is profound and essential to the
following hypothesis of how the brain works.
In a process-based computer a pixel on the screen might be
233 down, 516 across, linking its geographical position with its process
position. Now take a single receptor in an eye. It receives varying levels of
light and transmits a signal, but how does the overall (brain) system ‘know’
where it is in the picture? Though the retina is an array it’s unlikely that
it’s strictly geometric like the sensor in a video camera or that each receptor
has a matched response to all other receptors.
If the brain is a ‘learning’ system it may, in response to
its relationship with its environment, ‘learn’ the places of all the receptors
so as to cause a recognisable picture to form, and creates a meta awareness of
each receptors ‘place’ in the received picture. Similarly it learns to
attenuate different receptor responses to give an even picture. This is totally
different from a ‘process-based system’ that pre defines the position of
receptors in an array and relies on the fixed geometry and even response of it.
Imagine for simplicity a screen of say 10 x 10 pixels, non
of which are positionally defined, and a computer is programmed to run through
all the permutations of assigning a100 picture elements to them until the user
sees a recognisable picture. When the user recognises the picture and presses
‘stop’ that particular set of assignments is logged and ‘wired in’ as ‘the
usable set’.
The learning relationship does not define the receptor
positions in any geographical positional sense but in a ‘does it provide a good
picture?’ sense, and ‘if it does use it there’. In this way a meta awareness is
created of each individual receptor’s relative position and sensitivity. (This
has been tested in a simple way with up-side-down glasses but could be tested
further by more complex mixing up of an image.)
The systems learning relationship with its environment
creates the ‘wired’ connection that becomes the system’s meta awareness of the
receptor. The receptor then has two qualities, 1/ its response to brightness,
and 2/ its meta position.
Though vision is a special case it provides an
understandable example of the triggering and action of all neurons. Each neuron
is switched on when some new element of experience is added to some existing
experience and placed in the chain of previously activated neurons relating to
that existing experience. As such its cognitive ‘position’ is defined by these
preceding relationships. In the same way that a meta awareness gives every
receptor its position in the picture by learning from the environment, each
neuron acquires a meta position in the overall cognitive process by the neurons
associated with it. It then goes on to trigger and be associated with other
neurons, wiring them in turn into their meta positions.
In this way each neuron has an element of ‘meaning’
associated with its meta position; it is in effect assigned its meta position
‘in the picture’ of overall consciousness. It functions like the eye receptor
in taking the signal level it receives ‘in its meta position’ and branches to
associated neurons in accordance with how that level relates to their meta
positions. Simplistically, ‘more than x go that way, less than x, go this way.’
The individual neuron thus has only a relatively simple task of comparison just
like the eye receptor, but because it has a ‘wired in’ meta position in
cognition it appears to hold a meaning specific to itself. The actual process
though is a much simpler choice of ‘with respect to the meaning associated with
its meta position’ what comes next in the systems relationship with its
environment? Where in a process-based system ‘what comes next’ is fixed and
preordained by the initial designer, here in an outcome based system “What
might come next?” is the fundamental element of system behaviour, a sort of
gravitational imperative, driving it towards an outcome. Where a process-based
system is limited to the outcome of its fixed process an outcome-based system
is limited by its ‘learnt’ capacity to provide a quality outcome. Where a
process-based system is fragile, in that it can break if any element ceases to
function, an outcome-based system is robust, in that it will always continue to
an outcome even if that outcome is flawed by faulty elements along the way.
Where a process-based system has one, for want of a better term, methodology,
an outcome-based system is free to adopt any methodology in its imperative to
achieve its best outcome.
Here then memory, that we might perceive as the brain’s data
storage, is not fixed or held data, nor is it held ‘in’ the individual neurons
but is formed by each neuron’s meta position in the overall cognitive meta
framework. Memory is a meta construct created in real time, simply a slight
variant of the same process as perception.
Similarly imagination is a real time construct of the same meta
framework. Consciousness therefore is created in the brain by ongoing
experience ‘wiring in’ each neuron into a meta position in the meta structure;
in effect forming a meta brain, or what we may refer to as the mind. When these
structures are revisited or re-cogn-ised for the purposes of perception,
memory, imagination or dreaming the exact same process is used to create what
we perceive as these different functions.
Our perception, memory, imagination and creativity are all
held in and created in real time by the meta structure connecting up very
simple functioning neurons.
A silly example: “If I’m in the pub, it must be Tuesday.”
The meta element is that “Tuesday is 2 for 1 night down my local”, the
positional element connecting the two that ‘makes sense’ of seemingly
disassociated events.
As there is a high level of consistency in our environment,
if our system maps that consistency onto our meta brain, then wherever our
brain finds itself, momentarily at a certain neuron, the next neuron and the
next will flow from and mirror the structure of that environmental consistency.
It might be likened to written language. As I type one
letter, C, from only 26 choices, then another, A, from the same limited
choices, then another, T, by a combination of the character and position I make
the concept, CAT. Only by sequentially choosing the next character to occupy
the next place does the sequence begin to hold our meta meaning of it. The
neurons, originally blank spaces _ _ _ _ _ _ , are initially triggered by
experience to hold a meta meaning and subsequently perform a simple choice at
each particular stage in some real-time ongoing sequence being created in the
meta structure. As the sequence unfolds each choice, though meaningless on its
own, contributes, because of its position in this meta language structure,
towards an understandable outcome, i.e.
L L _ C A T S _ A
R E _ B L
Because environmental experience wires each neuron to a
particular position in the meta structure the neuron’s simple choice ‘in that
position’ contributes immeasurably more to the outcome than its individual
functionality. It’s clear from this text example that 22 simple choices between
a small number of relatively meaningless symbols, when taken as a sequence
based on a meta structure, can produce any number of complex outcomes.
As the brain continues to make these meta connections it
creates a meta structure and embeds new elements of experience into this
growing structural mirror of its environment. It acts always as a complete
cognitive entity whatever it contains or lacks, and produces all its cognitive
outcomes in real time
What I find breathtaking is the conclusion that all
cognitive processes are derived from one single ‘real-time’ process and that
all cognitive ‘meaning’ is derived from the meta mapping of neurons
‘experientially added’ to mirror the environment in the moment of experiencing
and reacting to it.
Recent brain scans have shown that activity in a particular
area of neurons associated with a particular movement is observed not only when
the movement is made but also when it is observed in others and when the
movement is imagined or dreamed of. Though this seems to have come as a surprise
to neuroscientists it is totally predicted by this hypothesis. It suggests that
ongoing experience lays down a neural map or meta structure that is
subsequently used for all cognitive processes; that all forms of
cognition, be they perception, action, memory, imagination or dreams are all
real time traverses across the same meta structure.
I have here for simplicity described a quite linear
one-dimensional process as if one neuron leads to another and another and so
on. In reality the brain is 3 dimensional with a high level of cross-linking
placing each neuron on multiple paths. Never the less the option chosen is
governed by the ongoing process towards finding a solution. As mentioned
elsewhere the neuron doesn’t ‘choose’ an option, it simply surrenders to the
flow of the overall brain activity towards a new equilibrium state that it
defines as the best outcome or solution. The brain produces electrical energy
that is dispersed through the network producing a perceived solution, rather
like a capacitor discharging through a filigree of filaments.
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