Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Just a Passing Cat.

What if I am a soul entity? Some people believe we have a soul that goes to heaven and stuff when we die, and some believe we reincarnate and have another go at this life business for eons till we get it right. Some believe in past life experiences and karma and we probably all believe in god when we’ve had a really really bad day. My take is these are all interesting ideas but how do I fix the bloody radio aerial on the Merc? Well not quite as narrowly practical as that but today’s the day I am currently trying to cope with. Am I feeling remorse for having stabbed someone in the eighteenth century? No. Anyway as I recall I don’t think I did, but then last week is a foreign land to me. But what if I am a soul entity? Down here for the n-th time cocking up as usual. I mean if I am I need to look at the bigger picture. If one only ever sees a sliver of a cat passing a crack in the fence it’s quite difficult to imagine there’s a whole cat back there especially if one doesn’t know what a cat as a whole looks like. So am I just seeing a sliver of my ongoing soul existence in this brief lifetime? Is fixing the Merc aerial that important in this somewhat broader context? Well yes, because it’s what I’m doing this afternoon; it’s not soul stuff, I just want to get the thing going up and down so some areola doesn’t break it off again in an idle moment like they did the last one. But on the other hand it is, or might be, because of how I do it. Maybe I can look at everything I do and am in terms of the progress of my soul. I’m not talking about Dave’s suggestion of using a 5volt zena diode to pull the signal wire down to earth but rather an awareness of my existential swim in the river of time. Am I struggling against some ever circulating eddy or stationary on the bank enviously watching it flow past, or am I lying on my back, sunning myself in the midst of the bubbling current effortlessly floating towards nirvana? Is death just a heart stopping waterfall over in a moment and followed by a rest in a tranquil pool? It’s good for mice to think about these thing every once in a while.

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