Monday, 7 February 2011

Green Bay Day.

So Green Bay have won the Vince Lombardy Trophy to become the World Champions of American Football. I guess by that score I’m the Pingo Pingo Champion of the World having just invented it and finished my first game. But I can’t take anything away from these amazing athletes. It’s not apparent when watching how big these guys are. The lightweight running backs are around 16 stone, 6 foot 8” while the defensive linesmen are 20/26 stone, 6 foot 6”. Edmouse tells me George White, defence, basically threw an 18 stone offence player at the quarterback. When I can barely throw my 11 stone self out of bed in a morning that’s impressive! But what is impressive about Green Bay winning is they are the only team in the league owned by their own fans, which if you think about it is a great statement for the power of democracy. So here’s hoping Egyptians can find their way to a government owned by its own fans. No religious of political faction fighting, just twenty odd stone of athletic people muscle owned by their own populous: The sort of democracy we can only dream about. 

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