Sunday, 20 February 2011

The Dreadful Truth is.

Brene Brown has studied us for ten years as a social scientist and come to the conclusion that we all need to show vulnerability provided by a sure knowledge that each of us as an individual is ‘enough’, enough in our own perception of our self. That’s not to say I think I’m going to win the human race but that I’m sufficient to warrant being in it. To be vulnerable is to be open and to be open is to feel connected, and to feel connected is the essence of being human. When we bluster, judge, measure, contain, justify or require we suppress our need to be vulnerable in favour of the pretend security of disconnection. With this fresh in my mind I watched BBC News. The newsreaders were in a sense trainers in disconnection, contained, urbane, and unbiased with an appropriate degree of practiced, utterly false pleasantness. I began to see the rest of TVs output in a similar way. Soaps showing ordinary people as emotional failures, acted by stars of course who aren’t, reality programs showing the same, adverts showing our need to be fulfilled by products. It appeared the whole rational of TV was to promote a feeling of ‘not being enough.’ Could it really be true that the nation is subjecting itself to four hours of disconnection training per person per day? It appears so. So if you feel yourself to be an irrelevant, disconnected and unfulfilled emotional failure dependant on some product for a little satisfaction, unworthy of touching some star’s red carpet hemline you know where you got it from. 

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