Did you hear what happened at the Super Bowl? /No/ Well you
know 5G? Oh no you’re not into that techy stuff, well 5G is the super new
mobile phone standard, like there was 2G, 3G and 4G and soon there’ll be 5G,
and it’ll be faster and better and shit so it can control everything like turn
your TV on when you’re not at home
right/ OK/ Well because it’s more power and really short wavelength
doctors been saying it causes cancer and brain damage and diabetes, which seems
really strange, but anyway so they decided to test it out at Super Bowl OK?/
OK/ So there’s like 70,000 people in
Atlanta with this 5G stuff and it all goes great till the half time show/ OK/
Well apparently the Mercedes Bowl in Atlanta is, well bowl shaped you know, and
there’s lots of metal in it and these really short, I think they’re called
electro magnotic or something waves get bent off metal so inside a bowl they
can get focused yeh right/ OK. What like in one spot?/ Yeh absolutely, and
where is that likely to be? yep you’ve guessed it, in the centre of the pitch
and what’s in the centre of the pitch? well the stage dummy, and what do all
the people do during the show? right, they video it for back home. I don’t see
why when they’re probably watching it on TV anyway, but hey that’s what they
did/ And?/ They fried Michael Buble/ What?!/ Right in the middle of ‘Haven’t
met you yet’/ No/ To a crisp/ Jesus/ True/ And that was the 5G?/ Yep. So
they’re pulling the plug on 5G and 2,3 and 4 as well so we’ll all be back in
the dark ages………../That’s terrible. And all because of Michael Buble?/ Well yes
I suppose in a way/ Well I won’t be buying anymore of his records that’s for
sure!/ ‘Course you’re bloody not you stupid dip. He’s a crisp now and crisps
can’t sing can they?!/ Oh no.
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