Another month and another Therapy Today arrives in the
loo. Interesting reading but so difficult keeping up with the ever-expanding
lists of acronyms and modalities especially when one has even forgotten what
BACP stands for. Anyway I flick to the back third. It somehow reminds me of the
gold rush. Prospectors, in this case therapists, humping and sifting through
gravel to find nuggets whilst a host of peripheral industries attempt to fleece
them. Initial training, ongoing training, training in new modalities, training
in new niche areas, supervisors and rooms to rent. There are some ads for jobs
but not many as it’s a struggle for services to pay minimum wage let alone for
an advert. So my thoughts went to cat skinning. Bingo, clients. In the midst of
all this plethora of training what is missing, clients. Most trainees train on
other trainees. We take turns unburdening our insecurities etc amongst
ourselves, which though useful is unlikely to provide complex issues seeing as
we’re all comfortably off, well adjusted middle class types. Enter the
Stiffmouse Client Agency. Now the key to making money is synergy, the bringing
together of two elements that have a natural magnetism for each other. And who
might have a synergy for the roll of client? Out of work actors. Other than
Benedict Cumberbatch and Olivia Coleman most actors are out of work, desperate
for cash, hugely insecure and would salivate at the prospect of playing a
middle-aged child molester with anger issues. I can smell the money coming in
already. It’s a win, win and win situation. It’s like staffing a cleaning
agency with OCD sufferers. In fact I’m beginning to think there could be many more
opportunities marrying together desperate disparates. But for now I’ll just put
an ad in the back of Therapy Today, “Write off today for our catalogue of
teaching course clients showing photos, specialities and recent TV appearances.
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