Sunday, 22 February 2015


OK don’t get me wrong, I’m not suggesting Goggleboxers are chimpanzees but that after watching a million episodes of Monkey World humans in their natural habitat are just as curious, joyous, spontaneous, creative and warm and infinitely captivating. Gogglebox proves you don’t need a million humans or monkeys, or politicians and TV producers for that matter, to come up with the complete works of Shakespeare, Miller and Pinter. Each individual is a fractal of the whole and each Goggleboxer has as firm a grasp on the whole as any chimp with a banana. In fact the chumps, as opposed to chimps, are the Nigel Farages of this world driven mad by eating the postulations embedded in their own faeces. Anarchy is an interesting word. I have a definition here: “a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government)” It’s usually interpreted as when a ‘good’ government is overthrown by ‘bad’ anarchists but that’s not necessarily the case. Anarchy can just as easily be a government that fails to deliver good governance, in which case the government themselves are the anarchists: Michael Gove for example. Compared with the clarity of Goggleboxer perceptions the machinations of our faeces eaters are disturbingly anarchic, en-railed by postulations digested and excreted so many times as to become their truth and our future. So long live Gogglebox and Monkey World; they are rare glimpses into a world free of anarchists. 

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