Sunday, 2 December 2012

The Trappings of Power.

I wonder if the inventor of this phrase was aware of its double meaning. Even the use of the word ‘trappings’ rather than ‘traps’ more accurately describes the ever increasing self induced entanglements that divert one from a happy life. Every quarter at the moment is showing me the profound poverty of the rich and powerful. From the celebrities in the jungle in rapture over a choc ice to the opulence of multi billionaires in New York rich enough to buy the government a single message is being fashioned. That the latter have a huge impediment to being happy fulfilled human beings. Straightforward logic suggests that if something as simple as an ice cream can leave one satisfied the acquisition of power and wealth that leaves one always wanting more must be essentially and profoundly unfulfilling. It only leads to a growing state of dissatisfaction as anyone serving the majority of these people will attest. Dissatisfaction or the adaptation to being permanently unfulfilled, being the ambient property of our elite, actively percolates our society until fulfilment is un-catered for; a forgotten menu option. The fulfilment of learning is replaced by the dissatisfaction of being told, the fulfilment of teaching is replaced by the dissatisfaction of indoctrination, the fulfilment of creativity is replaced by a repetitive career, the fulfilling contribution of work is replaced by the dissatisfaction of drudgery and even the fulfilment of purchase is replaced by the dissatisfaction of induced limitless acquisitiveness. Evidence of this percolation is everywhere; dissatisfaction and unfulfilment are everywhere. Yet the celebs in the jungle were fulfilled in ways our society has ceased to offer us and they came away with an unforgettably rewarding experience. Middlesonmouse graduated with a First in Maths. His fellow graduate’s first year salary as an actuary was £35k. He wasn’t tempted by a well-paid career and tried teaching (horrendous) and now runs his own company taking a ridiculously small salary and acquiring a skill set to fill a book because he loves learning new stuff and meeting new challenges. He’s a happy fulfilled chip off the old block. There is still hope if you choose it.

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