Friday, 21 December 2012

Hopi Red Hair.

Apparently there’s an old Hopi story that says at the end of the old Mayan calendar ie 20-12-2012 a new one will begin where humans will be given the “realisation that they create their own reality.” Now the wonder of words is we can put them in any order, like a ‘pink elephant foxtrotting superstar’ and just like that we can imagine a pink elephant complete with tutu dancing to rapturous applause. In a sense we created a reality of it. This facility has brought us all sorts of creative wonders from the wheel to the internal combustion engine. But it doesn’t stop there. I can create an internal reality of you, of your internal reality, of what I deserve, what I need, whether I’m better or worse, worthy or unworthy. The list is endless. And all this we create 24/7 to build a complex internal reality that guides our feelings and actions. It’s thus not unfair to say we create our own reality and mostly without realising it. We even cherish our creations as in how well we know ourselves and others and our ability to predict and/or deceive the world. So this realisation is going to be a lot more far-reaching than we might imagine. It will define that the only true reality is ‘out there’ and leave us naked in our acceptance of it. I seriously wonder what of ‘ourselves’ will be left. So much will go and the majority of it will be found to have been an encumbrance. And what’s left will be heart, our spirit of being. Not to be rich, but champions of our heart’s achievement, not to be powerful but in service to external reality, not to be shy, depressed or repressed, envious or disdainful but pleasing to our heart in what we find and do. We will find a freedom we would have not thought possible and an efficiency and effectiveness we would have not thought possible. We will find that possessions bought, sold and owned are the creation of our own reality and that the best violin will naturally fall to the best player who will know its quality most. We will not know self-importance, only that everything is. We will have no concerns for past and future except for what the heart has lost and planning to support the heart’s direction. What we know will be at the beck and call of curiosity. Teachers will be the purveyors of questions not knowledge because questions come first, experience second and knowledge last. We will be free to be wondrous excited. And today my hair is red.

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