In case you missed it last night, the Devadasi are Hindu girls married to God at puberty. Now on the face of it that sounds like nuns but you couldn’t be more wrong. These Devadasi girls being husbanded by a deity become the head of their own household and are afforded the rights of men in Hindu society. In a sense they are super feminists but that doesn’t get to the heart of it either. They’re prostitutes. They’re the coming together of and ancient religion with the oldest profession. Families, particularly mothers dedicate their daughters to God so they can live off their earnings. Now if I was God I’d be well peeved, but what a wonderful example of the distance between deity and humanity, of how our natural inclination is to contort religion to our own ends. God being as nebulous and speechless as an addled mute is perfectly placed for us to finish off his sentences and know what he would say if he could. This obviously leads to God saying lots of different things to different people so that in the name of peace and love we can “nuke the bastards” ‘cos God says so. There’s an unforeseen consequence if ever there was one. But then aren’t all unforeseen consequences the product of unrecognised intentions. So come on guys’ lets all pimp for our daughters. It’s not about the money, it’s because God says so.
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