Ah now I understand! Europe is a Mule, a bastard marriage of many countries with one currency. OK there are the obvious problems of the different countries having different economic strengths, surpluses and deficits but it’s not that. It’s that the rest of the world economies are one country, one currency horses and they don’t know what to do with a mule. If a single country Europe would have enough money to fix itself but one region, Germany, won’t fully support the ‘other regions’. The IMF is there to support individual countries but Europe is not one country, and it can’t support one country like Italy without that support leaking to the other countries with the same currency. And other world countries don’t want to help if Europe won’t help itself as a single country, which it’s not. So though it’s in everyone’s best interests to sort this impasse out it’s not in the best interest of any one of the major players. It’s a variation on the Lifeboat dilemma; “Who’s going to jump out, or in this case in, to save us all from drowning?” OK with men, women and children there’s a chance but a lifeboat full of politicians?
Perhaps Greece is right, get out quick and become a single country, single currency horse again, a sort of Trojan Horse backing out through the gate, “Make way please, oh sorry was that your foot, I’m coming through, oops pardon me, thankyou.Just….”
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