Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Grapes of What?

So the Republicans wouldn’t give an inch on increased taxes, I guess they didn’t need to because the automatic result of stalemate will be spending cuts to reduce the $15 trillion US deficit. I’m amazed no one’s done the maths behind income distribution and the effective funding of society. My guess is they would prove extreme pay differences cause government debt. The average cost of Medicare, etc per individual will be x say. It will vary only slightly between rich and poor. The unemployed poor though will absorb vast amounts in welfare. These people require a framework to be profitable, a job in a company. Now when the top people of that company take excessive pay they help to starve it of capital. As monetary asset strippers they reduce the blood flow down the pyramid and one salary of £3 million at the top will starve 3,000 jobs at the bottom. These 3,000 move from profitability to absorbers of welfare, and government debt grows. In these recessionary times if the top salaries were reduced the company would have extra resources to grow and in growth bring more individuals out of welfare back into profit. The resulting company growth would benefit workers, companies and the government in higher tax revenues and less welfare i.e. double whammy debt reduction. It’s not about taxing the wealthy more because that would just be swallowed up in welfare, it’s about proving to them that their greed is harming everyone, themselves included. Don’t they remember the depression and the dust bowl and that they were only saved by selling arms to their western allies?
Meanwhile this year there has been a drought in Oklahoma. Time to read John Steinbeck again.

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