Friday, 27 August 2010

MTV Contraception.

Today’s average fifteen year old will have seen enough bare flesh to last a lifetime. Between MTV and ANTM etc they will have seen the finest specimens of the human body soft porn-ing themselves to within a millimetre of their pubic hair. That’s if it hasn’t already been permanently bonded to a wax strip and ripped off in a moment of erotic pain, thus converting their genitalia in one swift movement to that of a newborn baby. In my day a fifteen year old had much to look forward to. Even the glimpse of a well-formed cleavage was enough to get my pulse racing. But today’s fifteen year old has as much visual experience as a middle-aged gynaecologist. I wonder if this won’t put them off sex for life. But then, in the spirit of unforeseen consequences, this may militate towards much needed population control. We might even consider deluging third word countries with porn videos to counteract the influence of those salacious burkas. I mean a burka is as close as any religion can get to a fur coat and no knickers. One begins to realise why all the permanently naked saggy titted, cock dangling tribes are dieing out; I mean where’s the lust when it’s in your face 24/7? And probably in your dinner if you’re a bloke eating cross-legged on the floor. It’s a conundrum. Do we continue supplying images of erotic flesh at every opportunity and curb our rampant over population or all wear monk habits and become rampant habit lifters?

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