Fox P2 is known as the ‘language gene.’ It’s the little structure in our genome that provides us with the ability to verbalise. I imagine we all know someone who we might point to and say in a low breathy voice, “The Fox P2 Force is strong in this one.” Whether there is a gene somewhere else that governs the quality of our utterances is yet to be discovered. Lets just say the relative dominance of these two genes is, from experience, unrelated. Recent study has shown Neanderthals had it but monkeys don’t. Interestingly this study also showed that all of us with the exception of Africans have at some stage ‘had relations’ with Neanderthals. It appears we humans all stemmed from Africa but went abroad on our Club Med 18-30 holidays, thought the locals looked sexy, and never returned. As hairy chest thumping muscular men are far more attractive to women than their female counterparts are to men one can easily guess who led this inter species population explosion. Like the film ‘Shirley Valentine’ their men probably stayed home looking glumly at a sink full of dirty pots hoping for a miracle. It also appears the conjunction of a slim black woman and a dumb, virile, extremely hairy male will give rise to a white hairless weakling not unlike myself. Anyway it’s the Fox P2 gene that allows me to voice my prejudices, misunderstandings, ignorance, poor judgments and the bad jokes only I find funny. Under the influence of alcohol it chooses very dubious material and often when I need it most it shrivels up like an ice cold dinky. So thank you Fox P2, it’s been a pleasure, but I think I’ll go with Fox F7, the one that helps me keep my mouth shut when I’ve nothing worthwhile to say.
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