Thursday, 6 May 2010

Out the bathroom window.

So now we have a pigeon. Britney brought it in, bad Britney. He/she has lost a few feathers but looks fine. It can’t fly so is in shed and its mate is on roof waiting. It’s got better since yesterday but the better it gets the harder it is to catch. I’m hoping for a full recovery before mate gets a better offer. Last year a young crow was killed on the road. It was really sad to see parents morning their loss, cawing and very upset. Britney usually brings birds in alive so I have to catch them in the middle of the night and release them out of the bathroom window. 3 or 4 last year. Domino being a farm cat eats what he catches. Dave having only one eye can’t catch anything but will steal what the others bring in if he gets an opportunity. Betty doesn’t catch anything on account of she’s a girly girl airhead. We’re thinking of getting some chickens, which poses a question; who wins between a cat and a chicken? I’m thinking the chicken, but then knowing Britney I’ll probably find it in the bedroom in the early hours. There you go, the election is nearly over. George Osborn better not come in our garden; he’d be cowering under the dressing table in no time. And if I find him I’ll throw him out of the bathroom window. It worked for the others.

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