Interesting a song contest should be entitled Euro ‘vision.’ On the night we were out to ‘Sing along a Sound of Music’. See R & H got it right; music is sound, but that’s an aside. We left early to see the end of the visual song contest just in time for the highlight clips from all the performances. OK one had clowns, another a stripping robot, another wings, and so on but why doesn’t an enterprising sound engineer splice all these clips together sans visuals to make the ultimate euro-trash single? My memory suggests this would hardly be a difficult task as they all have the same euro-generic origin. Interestingly, though the UK came last, the nearest thing to real world English pop won. Sung unfortunately by the Germans, Fawltey. Maybe the word has got around that we are so disdainful of what the rest of Europe take seriously, which is bound to get up peoples noses from Azerbyjan to Cyprus, who incidentally always swap twelve’s with Greece whatever happens. It’s worth remembering that when you’re in a pub taking bets. No there’s nowhere our euro sceptics rule more than in the Eurovision. It just goes to show scepticism and cynicism never work out well in the long run. Which kind of in reverse indicates we here in the UK are the most cynical country in Europe. Of course we snigger with pride at that assertion but should we? Do we really want to be the cynical losers of Europe? No. Next year send the Arctics and win the fucker!
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