As we speak, not that we are, Stiffdog is in Hollywood selling the script to Stiffmouse Productions latest thriller, The Speck. It’s a dark disturbing horror movie about a young man with a strange troubling illness. As the list of adjectives grows we know we are in for a bizarre, frightening journey into the weird unsettling world of, OCD. A young man has OCD, or more longly known as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We’ve had Aliens, Elephant Man, psychotic chain saws and Dracula so we thought the time was the right for something more nuanced. But OCD is no less frightening. Imagine that your life could change, be devastated in some unforeseeable way by the merest speck getting past your defences. Cloths must be utterly clean, and if touched or brushed against by someone or something, must be cleaned and cleaned again. A mind caught between the unknowable, the un-see-able and unfathomable. The mother who told me this story was at her whit’s end, as was her washing machine. She had done everything to satisfy her sons OCD to no avail. As we talked it became clear she was in fact confirming her sons obsession. If she did all that cleaning she too must believe her son’s obsession was appropriate behaviour.
The Speck gives us entry into this strange world of obsession, where the slightest misdemeanour, the slightest slip of the tongue, the slightest fashion error, facial blemish or bad expression will ruin a career and taint all connected with it. Love turns to hate, desire to rejection, admiration to disgust in the wink of an eye. In response the unfortunate prostrates him or her self in apologies confirming our obsession with the jot. Welcome to the weird world of ‘The Speck’ where everything is obsession.
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