They were once like us, remembering.
They were once like us, not imagining they would be taken.
Taken in a wink or as in a casual breath.
We are only different by a trick of time and circumstance, and those will find us too between our breathing soon enough.
What must we in our memories of brave men remember?
So easy to say their sacrifice for they are not here to say they would not have chosen it.
So hard to say that now the mantle of bravery falls to us and we must dance our turn with what we might not choose.
For there is something in piety that lays responsibility with the dead and in solemnity lets that mantle fall that we in our turn make histories mistakes.
No, let these brave men be with us, blazing in our heart the fire that made them brave that we may warm and chat with them around it, for they, in death are wiser now than we.
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