Sunday, 25 October 2009

More anger please.

Bankers pay themselves £6 billion in bonuses. The X Factor audience is herded into the simplistic emotions of cattle. The cynical make jokes. Politicians learn to be unanswerable and the public learn that critical thinking is useless. And no one gets angry. Each adult, be they destitute, student, single parent or struggling newlywed will pay several hundred pounds towards bankers earning millions. And no one gets angry. Pensioners who fought in the war and created the countries capital over half a century are left to freeze, and no one gets angry. Youngsters have no prospects other than to mortgage themselves in higher education. And no one gets angry.
I don’t have a dream, I just have an anger for the stupidity of the thoughtless masses who have been bribed by flat screen TVs to be quiet and sit in stupor on their couches. No great dream of emancipation or freedom, because dreams have become centred on much lesser things sold to us on catch phrases and fake pictures.
“Wow Stiffdog, I don’t think the public want to hear this, it will hurt our readership. It’s pointless! Make it more emotional, more personal.” Wuff, OK.
Last night this old woman shit herself because she was so cold she couldn’t get out of the chair and didn’t have any money for the gas meter. And a man beat his wife up because he was scared he couldn’t pay the bills. Or these kids who got so smashed on cheap alcohol one died and the others beat a father of two senseless. How’s that?
“No, it has to be more cheerful.” Wuff, OK.
Everything is fine, but some people are acting stupid. Better?
“Just cut the last bit.” Wuff, OK.
Everything's fine. "Excellent." Wuff.

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