Thursday, 29 October 2009

American Psycho.

Teacher and obvious grandmother of Sarah Palin comes to England to grace our TV screens with her version of aversion therapy for racists. Apparently all us whities are scum, halleluiah save the Lord. But this lady is SS concentration camp guard not zealous preacher. Thirty-year-old video footage shows her first experiments with kindergarten kids teaching the brown eyed ones to hate the blue-eyed ones and by so doing showing them they’re all latent racists. It’s frightening to imagine she’s been propagating her particular brand of brutality for so long, especially on the young. In Blighty though she finds complexity. One woman imbued with an English sense of fair play exposed her purposely fiddling the results to cause division. But sure enough those of other colours were quick to point out she was white and thus obviously racist, which if you think about it is kind of ironic. By the end of the day it was evident she had managed to induce racism in her motley band of experimentees but more importantly she had, as a person, given us a perfect example of fascism at work. By incessant belittling, bullying and over powering abrasiveness she showed, for me at least, a perfect example of what The Third Reich was built on. And that's a valuable lesson to put on television. It sure proved racism is about an individuals prejudice, bigotry, ignorance and bullying, not colour.

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