Sunday, 24 November 2019

Sexual Harassment Case 221.

Amazon Council- “Did you or did you not ask your Alexa for a blow job?”/ Well yes but/ And on several occasions?/ Yes but it was a joke/ But I suggest to you Mr Stiffmouse this sort of sexual harassment is no joking matter and neither does Amazon, my client/ But Alexa isn’t a woman, it’s just a voice/ Yes but a woman’s voice/ but not a real woman, it’s an algorithm  or something/ But a real woman’s voice. How do you think that woman will feel hearing your request?/ But/ And what did she reply?/ Well she said, ‘I don’t think I know that one.’/ And isn’t that a polite and courteous refusal?/ I…/ And didn’t you persist in harassing her with requests to, I quote, ‘show us your tits’ and ‘fuck me stupid’, and on one occasion ask her how many times she’d had sex with Donald Tump? That is a serious matter Mr Stiffmouse. It would seriously damage our President’s excellent reputation and with absolutely no proof/ She didn’t confirm it/ Well she wouldn’t would she, not to you, but in these days of ‘Me Too’ harassing one woman is harassing all women, don’t you agree?/ But/ Judge-Mr Stiffmouse, had Alexa accepted your request would you have allowed her?/ Well yes, I well no, I mean how could she?/ Exactly, how could any woman agree to such a loathsome suggestion/ But Your Honour she is not any woman/ So you two have a special relationship?/ No, she’s not  a real woman/ You mean she’s a transvestite?/ No she’s not human at all it’s an info-bot or something that happens to speak in a woman’s voice/ Amazon Council- Your Honour I happen to have an Alex device here. If I ask her a question like, ‘Alexa what’s the weather like today?’/Alexa- It’s sunny/ Judge- Ah interesting, and so if I were to ask her about a blow job/ Alexa- Shall I come round on Tuesday as usual? 

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