Tuesday, 12 February 2019

The Funny Side of Doomed.

Teresa May’s plea for MPs to ‘hold their nerve’ as part of our negotiating stance with the EU seems a noble call for heroism, a period of silence with guns at the ready. At the eleventh hour we will achieve victory, you know like what we did in WWll, or some western staring the Sundance Kid. I mean there’s no way they’ll think we’d be actually stupid enough to leap off this cliff into that raging torrent and survive the rapids and the inevitable hundred foot waterfall: and live to tell the tale. Is there? Hard to say. I mean I’m not hearing Barnier rallying the 27 with ‘lets just wait till the last minute to give in.’ He just keeps saying ‘no’, which is rather like the two hundred Mexican soldiers on the landward side of the cliff; and, more importantly, without the problem of a cliff behind them. But it is true they really do want us to stay members of the EU. So basically this has nothing to do with the Mexican soldiers, it’s the ‘I will if you will’ negotiation between Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, or in this case the two Conservative factions, the Others and the Rich Bastards. Now I think I’m right in saying screen writers will type anything so long as it’s a good story with a romantic interest and a happy ending, so surviving a cliff dive, raging torrents and a hundred foot waterfall with nothing worse than damp clothing is a fictional necessity but a barely credible reality. So either Barnier, not known for his sense of humour, says ‘Only joking you guys’ or it’s time to strap on water wings and a hard hat. Basically Teresa you can’t give the game away and expect to win.

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