We all have internal dialogue. At best we use it to
formulate solutions, do I go here or there for a holiday, or worse to endlessly
pursue imponderables, or even worse to emote over ourselves and/or others.
Social media externalises this pursuit. It provides a vast ocean of opinion to
swim in. Someone loves Jeremy Kyle someone else hates him. She said this, he
aid that. He’s doing this, she’s doing that in an endless stream of fruitless
stimulus, fruitless because opinion is the inverse of education. It’s how
someone feels about the third law of thermodynamics. How do I feel about the
third law of thermodynamics? What the fuck is the third law of thermodynamics?
Why don’t people ever talk about the other two? Well the first two are simpler.
Yes but they’re still important, aren’t they? Yes but is the third breakable.
Breakable? Does it impose a false limitation? I’ve no idea what you’re talking
about. No because you don’t have the education dumb ass. So opinion is a great
way of building a house on quicksand: Easy but a waste of time. Personally I’d
rather spend an evening with a calculator than a person full of opinions, which
are essentially the real fake news. I’ve heard Hitler is still alive and living
in the Philippians. Really. And 9/11 was done by devilishly cleaver Islamic
terrorists. Really! Not by the US and the owner of the twin towers? Oh god no.
Excuse me if I get my calculator out. Social media might have been fed by
misleading Russian or otherwise fake information but the real damage to our
society is its capacity to opinion-ise our state of mind. Once we’re
opinion-ised we can be fed any garbage the movers want. So take it easy, just
keep scrolling down, the page is endless.
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