“David we must get out of the EU, in 2019 they’re
introducing financial rules that will decimate our off-shore funds. I have an
idea. Call a referendum immediately, you’ve told the electorate you would.”
“But I might lose it.” “That’s the point, we will lose it. I’ve already talked
to Cambridge Analytica. They’ve got a Facebook campaign planned and have lots
of call centre capacity. Forget Leave we’re going to call it Brexit it’s more
sexy. We’ll set up official campaigns with great slogans. We can promise
anything because we’re not governed by normal election rules.” “But where does
that leave me I’m supposed to be for Remain?” “You just pretend to fight for
Remain and if it goes our way you just resign, you’ve had your turn at PM, take
a long holiday, disappear for a bit. Also it must be a straight in out race no
two thirds majority, anything like that. No need to make it binding because
when we win we can just bang on about following the will of the people.
Advisory sounds better than binding anyway. It gives people a chance to put a
finger up at us. That’s the beauty of it. By voting against us they’ll be doing
what we want. I love it.” “So who’ll take over as PM?” “It doesn’t matter. I
mean not one of us.” “Really!” “No, so long as we hold the power we can drive
it through. No it’s better the PM is a Remainer.” “You think it’ll work?”
“Sure.” “But what about the country?” “Look all our money is outside the UK,
sure the economy will tank but it won’t affect us. Or would you rather be
discredited, possibly jailed and get a humongous tax bill? Think of the
children old boy.”
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