Tuesday, 13 December 2016

My Sexual Abuse.

Before I start did you hear of the US woman getting allergic to her husband in the same room? Tobacco smoke half a mile, pizza a 100 yds etc. The poor woman came up in life threatening hives if he touched her. It’s a rare oodly doodly disease. No it’s not, it’s a psychosomatic allergic reaction. An expert NLPer would cure it in an hour. I hope she finds one. Anyway I was fourteen in a skiffle band. We won a competition and appeared on TV briefly but due to me our blues number had a vaguely Chinese intro. Nevertheless I’m proud if of it. A guy around forty offered to be our manager and the use of his empty factory in the evenings to practice. Once there he invited us one at a time, I think three of us, to join him in a small room where he had thoughtfully spread newspaper on the floor. After a brief chat about not telling anyone he wanked us off. Takes all sorts. Maybe he was Reichian. Wanking was not unknown to us fourteen year olds and coming was its usual pleasure. Nevertheless it didn’t feel right so as there were three of us we compared notes and told him to shove it after two or three times. So what exactly was the sexual abuse? I presume it would be seen as such. Coercion by an adult but no force and coming was its usual pleasure. But it was secret and outside that transparent wall of secrecy he had created it would be transformed into something distasteful. That was the abuse, a form of bonding behind closed doors. He had lured us into holding a shameful secret that’s taken near sixty years to tell. Basically I just want to be on trend. But seriously it was that transition from secrecy that was the abuse by creating a sort of either/or discontinuity with my ordinary life. The wanking was neither here nor there. Since then I won’t be coerced into anything secret I can’t proudly share with anyone. Luckily the lasting effects are minimal; just don’t spread newspapers on the floor. 

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