Wednesday, 13 July 2016


Just tuned in to BBC Breakfast. Must be short for, ‘Break fast and run away’, which I did. It was frightening. Pinky and Perky, presumably in some real existence known as Dan Walker and Sally Nugent, were in this incarnation truly Big Brother’s Ministry of Truth. They ran an interview with a top golfer who’d chosen not to go to the Olympics. After it they joined in mutual surprise that he’d given his honest opinion, that it would have been better if he’d made up some twaddle about his cat being ill or expecting an urgent Amazon parcel. It was as if spin has become the new truth, at least within our pre-eminent broadcaster. It’s no wonder Jeremy Corbyn is appreciated by the public yet has a hard time with the media and his own party. They literally can’t cope with honest factual opinion. They belittle it as un-real-worldly like an amateur playing in the professional game. The conservatives have always done it and Blair dragged the labour party to join them. The Lib Dems got screwed in the coalition so there’s no major force left in British politics that believes in speaking honesty. And after years of coping with spinning politicians the BBC is now in its own spin. In the following interview with a spinning politician the interviewer adopted her own interviewer spin supposedly to counteract it. It didn’t, it simply removed us even further from honest reality. This truly is the widespread adoption of double-speak and double-think as the norm in politics and the media. Poor old Jeremy. And this evening a doc following a refugee to almost England. He remembered fondly his youth in Damascus up until Syrian government security guards beat him gruesomely for protesting, how he was ripped off numerous times by the businessmen of the asylum transport trade. There’s a cautionary tale here, that if you let things get bad they’ll get worse. Asad, his government, police and those businessmen have double-thought themselves into a grotesque unreality of frenzied rabid dogs tearing into common flesh. With double think it’s possible. And it begins with spin. 

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