Monday, 25 April 2016

Dear Parent or Guardian

Dear Parent or Guardian of   Gordon   mouse,
            As Head Mouse I have a duty of care to both staff and students in this school. To this end it is vital we instil a high level of both moral and social behaviour in our young mice as to not do so would cause stress to staff and fail our students in their passage to adulthood. With this in mind I am revising our disciplinary rules as follows.
1-     Your mouse may be verbally chastised at times when he or she fails to achieve acceptable behavioural standards. If at home they express distress at this treatment it is important to confirm the teachers judgment as appropriate.
2-     Teachers are permitted to instil a modicum of fear in their students where necessary. Throwing non-harming items such as rulers, wellingtons and blackboard rubbers etc are all parts of a teacher’s managerial ‘toolkit’ in the classroom.
3-     Likewise a teacher’s screaming and shouting is appropriate when it has the beneficial effect of instilling a moral lesson and releasing stress. It is an important life lesson for all pupils to experience the release of justified anger.
4-     The option of corporal punishment is considered necessary in order to reflect the judicial system of adult life. Failure to provide an early awareness of these harsher sanctions could be seen as neglect.
5-     Though a last resort and in extreme cases capital punishment is deemed a necessary alternative to expulsion, as the latter reflects badly on the school.

Your assistance in these disciplinary measures will be greatly appreciated.

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