Recent documentaries on the Russian Tzars told a powerful
tale of disconnect. They combined well with the BBC’s War and Peace. But here
it’s the disconnect I’m interested in. Recently I’ve watched a video of George
Osborne on the Conservative front bench ‘in parliament’ reeling under the
influence of a class A drug. I couldn’t do a drug test but I’d put money on it.
Then Jeremy Hunt denying the reality of what he’s doing to the NHS. Also the
egregious TTIP secret treaty making it legal for corporations to hold
democratic governments to ransom. There’s also the supposed sex scandals
involving members of Parliament. And lastly, though I’m sure there are others,
an ITV documentary exposing the Conservative Party’s blatant flouting of the
law over expenditure on by-elections. The program showed three by-elections
where expenses over the legal limit were assigned to an individual and did not
appear in the accounts even though they clearly should have been. These are all
examples of a governing elite that appears to not be accountable to the law of
the land or common decency. Of course there are convenient explanations. George
had a tummy upset, a simple oversight, inconclusive proof etc but there’s one
underlying truth, they have become disconnected. We have spent centuries
evolving a moral, law abiding hard working society that I and the many people I
know take pride in. Like a marriage undermined by duplicity our incredulity has
turned to anger at being betrayed. I don’t know what’s going to happen but it’s
reminding me of the downfall of the Tzars.
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