Thursday, 30 July 2015

Spirit Camp 2015: Traps.

All is not well in spirit world. You know when you walk into a department store, say for perfume or electronics, a helpful smiling sales operative will gladly assist your purchasing. In their breezy pleasant way they will point out the virtues of their offerings as if helping you step ever closer to a future nirvana where all is nice and good. And 15% off. Their care for you is of course motivated by their own income and career prospects. With the Head of rugs and soft furnishing soon up for grabs they’re keen to show willing and turn a profit. In quiet moments with friends they will show the reverse of the coin. The pay is shit, their manager is a bully and head office is a bunch of OCD shysters who’ve lost the heart for good retailing This of course doesn’t happen in spirit world where all is already nice and good. So picture a happy go lucky seventy-year-old teenager on the bottom rung, a dog soldier with nowhere lower to go and no vested interest in becoming employee of the year and a junket to Arizona HQ. He might at some below-stairs meeting express a negative response to the management’s latest motivational initiative by saying, “Get the fuck out of my brain!” and be immediately tempted to apologise to his colleagues for his outburst. He needn’t have worried. One by one here and there in this way and that people thanked him. There was overwork, there was bullying, that too many rules and initiatives were losing the heart of retailing. Truth from the heart is a beautiful, poignant and precious thing. It’s the means by which our spirits connect and is un-ruled by mercenary thoughts of influence and manipulation. It’s what the Indians knew and what spirit camp should be about. It’s not about nice and good, status and influence, it’s about heart. 

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