The oldest friend I still know intimately is my
guitar. Not the same one but a procession like a long multiple train journey,
nine of which I still have. They follow my sixty-year procession through
skiffle, classical and jazz, through gentle and more recently upbeat. But this
is about how rather than what. I wasn’t a natural performer, not your born
front man, I didn’t know that connection. Like many introvert folk singers I
hid somewhere between the song and the audience not really connecting with
either. It was a quite lonely place with only myself for company, up there
exposed yet hidden in some protective cloak of invisibility. I got a clap and
that helped but I knew it was a consolation prize. Slowly through mastering the
technicals I found space to play the song, to let it flow through without
obstruction. But churning covers out to order wasn’t enough. I found songs I
wanted to connect to and began affairs with them. I began to build the
confidence to be their lover, to build a mutuality, to sing them in the moment
as lovers do. That connection was made. Then the greater challenge, to be
exposed; to perform this love making in public. Performance and acting are
often mistaken to be forms of duplicity. Some are but true performance is real.
Only true feeling will illicit true feeling. Through clowning I began to
venture into the innocence of the moment that connects us all. There are
countless elsewheres to get lost in but only one moment that we are all in
together, this one. That’s the power of it. So finally I’m beginning to glimpse
a way of being, a way of showing heart through music. It’s taken a long time
and is easier for some but this has been my process. I suspect Robert Downey
Junior knows it well.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Thursday, 30 July 2015
Spirit Camp 2015: Maryettamouse.
Maryettamouse was chopping prayer sticks when Billmouse and
I joined her. She asked for guidance but I suggested she work it out herself.
If there’s one thing I can’t stand about Spirit Camp it’s helpful advice. It’s
like every time I do something a queue of people form behind me with
suggestions, “Perhaps you could….” or, “You might want to try…..” and their
variants. NO, FUCK OFF, GO AWAY, LEAVE ME ALONE! So Maryettamouse didn’t get
any from me other than a bit later on saying pick wood with straight grain and
no knots. Anyway we chatted. Her face had the beauty of honesty rather than the
bland sugary looks of a model, designed to be memorable rather than flattering.
Later we smiled in passing. During the dance my eyes of their own accord were
drawn to Maryettamouse, her purposeful truthful elegance. After it I commented,
“You walk backwards strongly.” Oddly she knew what I meant and added it was
walking forwards that was her difficulty. After my song performance rather than
the usual ‘loved your song’ she said ‘that was so you’ like she knew me.
The following day I hesitantly said, “I think we have a
special relationship” not knowing the response I might get. She leapt in the air
like an electric shock and agreed with a beautiful smile, “yes!” We both knew
but not the basis or origin of it. It’s strange when this happens. Easily
explained but only with explanations that carry no weight. We never met again.
I hope you have found Stiffmouse and read this. With love for your future.
Spirit Camp 2015: Voice.
I sang a song. It went well, at least I remembered the
words, which is always a bonus. The following day a woman asked if I could sing
it to her again. I said I thought it wasn’t possible because the guy with the
guitar had gone home. Later it turned out he hadn’t so I asked if I could sit
and play for a while. Getting me, the woman and the guitar together seemed
almost impossible amongst the chaos of packing up day, but when I looked up she
was there sitting next to me. I played the song and by the end she was in floods
of tears. It was my own song and special to me. She asked if I could play it
again. At this point I began to wonder if I had acquired a nutter but I sang
the last verse again. Through her tears she explained, “Yesterday I didn’t know
why I was crying but now I do. You have connected me again.” She gesticulated
to her body, her belly. “I thought I had lost it, I might never feel it again.”
I felt for her tears. “No my tears are joyful not sad. Crying is like a car
wash, you know.” We smiled. Now I don’t want to appear mercenary but I wrote
that line down to use later. Too good to miss. We parted, she wanting a CD if I
made one, and me with a renewed wanting to make one. For me this had become a
recurring theme over the ten days, how in the most unforeseen and delicate ways
we connect by heart.
Spirit Camp 2015: Traps.
All is not well in spirit world. You know when you walk into
a department store, say for perfume or electronics, a helpful smiling sales
operative will gladly assist your purchasing. In their breezy pleasant way they
will point out the virtues of their offerings as if helping you step ever
closer to a future nirvana where all is nice and good. And 15% off. Their care
for you is of course motivated by their own income and career prospects. With
the Head of rugs and soft furnishing soon up for grabs they’re keen to show
willing and turn a profit. In quiet moments with friends they will show the
reverse of the coin. The pay is shit, their manager is a bully and head office
is a bunch of OCD shysters who’ve lost the heart for good retailing This of
course doesn’t happen in spirit world where all is already nice and good. So
picture a happy go lucky seventy-year-old teenager on the bottom rung, a dog
soldier with nowhere lower to go and no vested interest in becoming employee of
the year and a junket to Arizona HQ. He might at some below-stairs meeting
express a negative response to the management’s latest motivational initiative
by saying, “Get the fuck out of my brain!” and be immediately tempted to
apologise to his colleagues for his outburst. He needn’t have worried. One by
one here and there in this way and that people thanked him. There was overwork,
there was bullying, that too many rules and initiatives were losing the heart
of retailing. Truth from the heart is a beautiful, poignant and precious thing.
It’s the means by which our spirits connect and is un-ruled by mercenary
thoughts of influence and manipulation. It’s what the Indians knew and what
spirit camp should be about. It’s not about nice and good, status and
influence, it’s about heart.
Spirit Camp 2015: Taps.
Faith, hope and prayer must never appear in the lexicon of a
designer. Materials have no compunction to do you a favour; they’re best viewed
as immoral. In fact one begins to see God’s problem in creating man. Over three
Spirit camps I’ve tried to fix the knee operated automatic water valves for the
four hand-wash stations. The first camp was taken up understanding how they
worked and believe me that’s not obvious. The second was spent postulating and
testing various theories as to why they didn’t. I mean they did but not
reliably. This year began similarly. Now one assumes as they’re manufactured
and sold in a nice box etc they are designed to work reliably but in this case
the designer had faith and hope: Faith that a small o-ring would not compress
under constant pressure and hope that it would magically centre itself into a
small hole to cut the supply off. Obviously magic is another no-no concept to
the designer. A good design must give zero alternatives to a mechanism other
than to work. These valves had several and have now been junked for ordinary
taps. This raises an interesting philosophical point. If, as is supposed, God
or Spirit gave man free will might the master designer junk his protégé as an
unsuccessful prototype if we prove unreliable? A salutary thought. Might he not
appreciate our faith, hope and prayer approach and prefer we follow his own
design philosophy of the rigorous application of truth and reality to create
our best solutions? I know no better focus for contemplation than the simple
phrase, “Everything is.” Its linguistic simplicity allows it to go any and
everywhere without building a complexity of manuals, codes and beliefs. And of
course magic.
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Revolution Time.
Remember the other revolutions, the French, Russian,
the collapse of Communism, the Boston Tea Party etc? They all began when the
people weren’t getting enough to reasonably live on. Time and time again a
‘system class’ has risen to take control and within their own concept of reason
has considered themselves worth more and more. It’s a basic loophole in
cognition that it is wholly comparative. Cognition doesn’t have absolute or
objective measurement. I was going to say we have rulers to do that, which
throws up an interesting double use of the word. The system class thus has no
means of judging their needs other than in comparison with their equally
wealthy neighbours, and just like the rest of us they’d just like a little bit
more. Wealth becomes unbalanced simply because of the nature of cognition, and
at some tipping point there is a revolution. It’s surely time we took account
of this basic cognitive impairment and designed a system around it. The Greeks,
God bless them, have reminded us of the philosophical struggle they went
through millennia ago to create such a system. Democracy, though we cling to
the word, has been much subverted since then by many different circumstances.
It’s time we went back to its philosophical root. This time the system class is
global and the whole planet is at stake. They are unaccountable to any
populous, government or rule of law. The checks and balances on their cognition
have been overcome and all that’s left is a decent into Caligula.
Thursday, 2 July 2015
Karma Dharma.
I don’t know much about these two but as I see it Karma is
getting in your own way and Dharma is not. I suspect there’s probably an area
of the brain that constantly figures out what’s gone wrong, and because we
don’t like things going wrong it makes up stuff as to why it’s all gone wrong.
Of course nothing has gone wrong, it’s just gone the way it’s gone, just not
the way we wanted it to so the stuff it makes up is a fabrication of how it
could have gone right if it hadn’t gone wrong when it was neither right or
wrong in the first place. These fabrications form an insulator between reality,
which is neither right nor wrong, and one’s inner state that’s dam sure it is
all about right and wrong and that you’re getting the worst of it. You then act
as if that’s the case and retaliate to even things up. Basic mistake because
what’s wrong will have a different version of what’s right and wrong and
retaliate back. These retaliations reverberate around the system producing
karma. Basically don’t take it personal. Then comes the butterfly state as one
exits the “get this fucking shit off me” cocoon. Here the same stuff happens
but that little area in the brain has given up, it’s gone on a sabbatical,
(from which it rarely returns) and everything just is. And it ‘is’ in a gently
humorous way. Imagine you’re a Velcro covered hedgehog. Everything you come up
against snags and tags and you become a big ball of twigs, leaves, slugs and
cat food. OK I don’t know why cat food but it’s possible. Yuck! And then as if
by magic the Velcro turns into glossy straight spines. Nothing snags, the crap
falls off and you’re a clean go anywhere hedgehog just like you’re meant to be.
And the only way you can go is forward. That’s Dharma. And don’t blame me if
this is all bollocks, I learnt it from our cat Britney.
The Power of Tea.
Yesterday I was given a cup of tea, which was nice.
Today I measured the time it took to boil two mugs of water as it’s virtually
impossible to boil just one in a kettle. (one minute) As the kettle is 3
kilowatts it thus takes 1.5 Kw minutes per mug full. OK so far? Now the person
making the tea yesterday filled the kettle to around a litre, enough for around
four mugs full so the other three would be left to go cold. I’d guess on
average two mug fulls will be left to go cold waiting for the next brew, which
is 3 Kw minutes of wasted energy per cup. Now I drink a lot of tea but I’d say
on average a typical adult will drink five cups of tea or coffee a day. That’s
then 15 Kw minutes wasted energy per adult per day or 0.25 Kw hrs. As this
happens most days, say 350 per year, that’s 87.5 Kw hrs per year. OK lets say
around 40 million adults are in the habit of drinking five hot drinks per day,
that’s 3,500,000,000 Kw hrs per year, which is 3.5 million megawatt hours. Now
the Drax power station generates 3,960 megawatts. Times that by hours in a
year, 8760, and you get KW hrs/yr and a very big number, 34.6 million megawatt
hrs per year as opposed to our 3.5 million. But it does mean that 10% of the
energy of our largest power station is being wasted by overfilling electric
kettles. So here’s the thing. Turn on the cold tap fully and count the seconds
it takes to fill a mug using the tried and tested “thousand and one, thousand
and two” method. On ours it’s three. Then fill the kettle on that basis from
empty. Keep doing it this way and it will always be near empty, which is fine,
and it’ll boil twice as quick too. If you have an old kettle with an element in
the water you’ll still have to cover the element and waste energy, but you can
begin to see why power stations dread half time in the world cup final.
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