Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Captains Log- Supplemental.

Spock explained further after a few Star Ship cocktails. “As you know Captain I am a product of Vulcan/Human interbreeding, the two species being sufficiently close to allow that occurrence. During the period of rapid brain expansion resulting from the change to erectus stance and larger social groupings the human brain evolved what you might term a feed back loop where the Vulcan brain did not. You might consider it as a “what if” loop. In simple terms Vulcans continued with a “what is” structure. As the configuration of a ‘what if’ statement creates unbounded inferences based only on what can be internally generated it is both experientially historical and not restricted by the confines of reality. Vulcans find this a wasteful use of the limited cognition available. A case in point Captain: When any member of the crew beams down with us they invariably die from being unable to cope with the different reality.” I explained that that’s what makes us human. “May I then suggest Captain that dying is not a usual sign of success.” Dam it Spock they were willing to die for something they believed in! “My point exactly. As their historical experience to that point was of living they could not conceive that death might occur. A Vulcan would consider tangible life always preferable to an intangible belief. But the human variant has some advantages” Oh thanks Spock. “You have spirit.” Go on. “Well a certain stupidity. Vulcans do not have stupidity. When your ‘what if’ loop combines with reality it produces what you call humour. It appears to make you happy. I believe it is a propensity to be desired.” Thank you Spock. “Yes I will consider that. Possibly when you cease to generate beliefs you could be the better of the two.” You’re funny guy Spock. “You think so Captain?”  

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