I’ve just awoke from a sad depressing dream. I was being
cruelly spurned by my nearest and dearest. Even Graham Portermouse, my best
friend at school, made a surprise appearance after a gap of some fifty odd
years. I was about to go down the garden, and probably far further, to eat
worms. It rather made nonsense of the current glib advice to, “just be
yourself, act naturally.” It’s rather lovely but anthropologically, which as it
happens sounds worryingly like the psychological study of my ex wife, we
wouldn’t have spent eons evolving a brain the size of a planet if it was that
easy. We would be limited to socialising in small hierarchical family groups
governed by the dictates of gene proliferation. Even a dog wouldn’t come near
unless we discarded a morsel-clad bone. No our large brain is testament to the
complexity of being ‘in relationship.’ And I guess there are times, like last
night, when it cries enough, the war is lost, it’s worms for tea. Well
breakfast chronologically. Far from ‘being myself’ I am in a whirl of
considerations, lost in a melee of conflicted reasoning for what’s best to do.
I’ve been at it for seventy years and thus acquired far too many misconceptions
to mention. I’m jammed in the cleft of a viciously clefted stick. Unlike an
alligator who acts naturally and lives in a swamp the best I can hope for is to
unravel enough misconceptions to be happily acceptable jointly to myself and
others, and that’s no mean feat. At this point, namely 7.30am, I make a coffee
and return to the attic to a fluttering of wings, a thump on the window and
Britney magically appearing from under the bed beadily looking for her escapee.
I’ve only been gone five minutes and nature ‘acting naturally’ has taken over.
But anyhow I’ve done enough art, music and theatre to know something magical
occurs when all this conjecture is put aside. Something true is recognised
across these isolating boundaries of considered reasoning. We needn’t be as
facile as a sportsman’s interview after the match. Anyway the coffee’s drunk,
the bird is in here somewhere keeping quiet, Britney’s locked out and
scratching at the door, the sky is blue and all’s well with the world, though
it’s getting a tad cold with the windows wide open (for the escapee). So it’s toast for
breakfast, worms postponed.
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