Glancing at my monthly
page views I notice per country the numbers equate roughly to the size of their
surveillance operations, USA 123, Russia 88, China 12. The UK at 108 looks a
bit high for GCHQ but I still wonder if I actually have any bona fide readers
who are reading this for fun and not simply trawling it for insidious
intentions. But then Israel is conspicuous by its absence when even Estonia has
2, with 3 Serbs and 2 Ukrainians. I can honestly say I am no threat to Ukrainia
or Uzbekistan but I’m seriously pissed off the secret services of the world
aren’t taking me more seriously. I even peppered one post with all the trawl
words I could think of and still no action. No knock at the door by men in dark
glasses wishing to interrogate me. Seriously I’m getting lonely out here.
Perhaps they’ve realised intelligent people aren’t a threat. We’re unlikely to
get off our thinking chair to strap bangers round our vital organs. I mean it’s
counter intuitive to blow your balls off for the sake of a belief occurring at
the other end of your body, far better to blow your brain out to solve the
problem. No I think the SSs are more likely to keep real terrorists in the
public eye so they can keep tabs on them. Like Michael Gove. He’s far from
intelligent and no right to a place in British politics but there he is
apparently voted in by the people of Surry Heath time after ti… Wait a minute,
who ever heard of Surry Heath? Where the hell’s that! What is it, like just to
the left of Watership Down? On Google maps it’s not even a place, it’s just a
council office on Knoll Road, GU15
3HD. See! It’s a front, a safe house where they keep the really
dangerous terrorists where they want them. Gove is not the fun loving idiot
politician we think he is, he’s an Al Qaeda stooge intent on bringing the UK
education system to its knees in retaliation for our invasion of Iraq. There is
no Watership Do..., sorry Surry Heath constituency; it’s all a front. And they
say I’m not Sherlock Holmes.
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