Friday, 26 April 2013

The Enigma Machine.

I’ve just read the scandal mongering connections between 55 Conservative MP and the private health sector. It seems the left wing press are spending all their time seeing ulterior motives behind the bonds of friendship and social concern that form the corner stones of our great society. It’s only right and proper that Conservative MPs act as shining exemplars of these bonds and our noble Christian traditions. Who for example, seeing a friend in need would not cross the road to help him, go that extra mile to see his needs met? Does he need a job, a contract, a little extra cash? Of course you’ll help, and in the sure knowledge he’ll do the same for you. And when the prosperity of our country depends on parliament and commerce working together it’s totally appropriate we have mutual concern for each other, especially as we frequently move back and forth between the two. I think the left simply don’t understand that we don’t know any poor people. In fact we need protection from them because they can be infected by weird and vicious ideas of inequality when we’re just the same as them. And being realistic what use would it be to give them a share tip or a lucrative contract when they couldn’t afford to act on it or a job they quite patently wouldn’t be able to do. And they’re hardly likely to be able to repay the favour anyway. But of course we look after them as best we can.

Paul sitting across the table from me shows me his ear. It’s hidden under clusters of scabs from some infection. He is taking antibiotics so he can’t drink, which means he’s saving the money he would normally spend on cider. His fingers chocolate brown from a thousand rollups are dipping into a full tobacco tin as he looks on the bright side and smiles, “at least I won’t have to be picking up tab ends this week.” He’s not going to get a share tip any time soon. He asks me if I have any tobacco as he is prone to do. I glance at his tin, smile and tell him to “fuck off.”

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