Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Progress I don't Think.

Wow there’s so much going on these days. I mean not in politics etc, that’s the same old same old, but in the understanding of our condition as human organisms. Microbiology is proving even down to the cellular level we consist of nested spheres of perceptual interactive consciousness; that in a sense how we perceive our life is echoed in each cell of our body. The book, “Why people get ill” quotes numerous studies that show this empirically but now microbiology is adding the mechanical evidence. One might even say all illness is psychosomatic. Darren Brown recently proved in his TV program that allowing the unconscious to believe a cure was being given was sufficient for the organism as a whole to ‘cure’ itself. Information recently levered out of drug companies under the freedom of information act of unpublished trials shows the drug to rely almost totally on the placebo effect. But importantly this mind/body interaction is the domain of the unconscious, not the conscious mind; we can’t consciously ‘think’ ourselves better. Even the mind/body dichotomy itself may be a misnomer. It’s more likely the organism is completely integrated where the ‘mind’ extends through the autonomic and nervous systems right down to each and every cell. For sure our conscious mind, or to put it another way, the bit where our mind is aware of itself is puny compared with the complex functionality required for governing the whole organism. What we are conscious of is just the post-checking of what’s already in process against longer-term objectives. My unconscious ‘sticks the tennis racket there’ because consciously ‘I want to win the game.’ So becoming well has much to do with what we consciously aren’t aware of. Enter NLP and hypnosis, and the precision of Ericksonian language. The unconscious is very literal and present. It doesn’t comprehend the negative, the future/past, or fancy conceptual language. But now there appears to be an update on these that goes under prosaic title of ‘Muscle Testing.’ The therapist tests the muscle reaction of an outstretched arm to test the unconscious response to questions and suggestions; no trance state, nothing. There’s a convincing demonstration on You Tube. So imagine a future where your doctor tests your arm and offers a remedy to your unconscious and off you go healing yourself. No drugs, injections or anything; unless of course you have a broken arm.

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