Monday, 22 October 2012

Weekend Musings.

Friday evening with Suzy and Julie, Saturday evening with Antony and Sunday watching doc on Donald Trump. There’s a spectrum! Friday lots of play and disclosure, Saturday stories, referencing and theories, and Sunday a full-blown sectionable psychopathic billionaire. And not forgetting me who, as I vaguely remember saying, am sliding towards femininity. As I said to Antony I see men or masculinity as building layer upon layer of conjecture on top of some essential reality of being. “This is what I know, these are the stories of who I am, these are my theories of everything etc.” Men do this and I do this in their company and it’s essentially boring. There’s a sense in which we are a disconnected cognition trying to build a disconnected cognitive existence. I suspect the male process is self-justification in respect to their mothers where women are processing their covert rivalry with theirs. Born same and born different. Anyway. Oh right yes so anyway then there’s Donald. He is a supreme example of a disconnected cognition who conceives of ‘being’ as controlling his own avatar in a Second Life game where nothing is of consequence except ‘the rules’ of his game. But then we’re all to a ‘normal’ extent in the process of constructing a dictionary of equivalences. In fact most mental health problems are caused by erroneous equivalencies. So I guess in my search for a reality of being I’m losing the need, gradually, for my ingrained self-justification. Maybe one day I’ll be able to shout, “Hello mum, it’s me! Your equal.” And in that there’s an encompassing of the feminine. Maybe similarly women, in their search for a reality of being must overcome the self-doubt induced by their maternal rivalry to find their own solid ground. Maybe. And then there’s Donald again. Disconnected cognition desperately needs confirmation. It can be from scientific proof, an enclave of like minds, or the brutish simplistic surety of a psychopath such as Mr Trump. It’s as if all our power structures are built on and for the ersatz pleasure cognitive disconnection. Plainly human bodies, the currency of the feminine, have no part to play in the schemes of the disconnected. So answer this Donny, “Where did you misplace your reality of being?” With thanks to you all for our wonderful conversations.

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