Saturday, 25 August 2012

White Diarrhea.

Stephan Sackur interviewed South Africa's Trade and Industry Minister Rob Davies on HardTalk yesterday after the shooting dead of 34 mine workers. Well at least he tried. Mr Davies is the epitome of a Boer, likewise boar and bore, who speaks in sentences without end consisting of stock empty phrases cut and pasted in innumerable meaningless permutations. After twenty minutes I was depressed to hear a human being, and one in a position of considerable power, presumably believing his answers had any meaningful value. It would be a compliment to liken him to a trained pig, which Mr Davies has a passing resemblance to, able to oink on demand for a measly tray of putrid cabbages. It appears though that this is South African Democracy. The whites, unable to maintain their social apartheid have changed to a commercially based one. White inward investment coupled with white management coupled with irritant blacks silenced by well-paid positions and interminable sentences guaranteed to glaze over any rational mind let alone the uneducated black indigenous people. It seems Africa as a whole is as focused on bling as the English neuveau-riche of the eighteenth century before common sense and the unions required workers to not starve to death and the realisation that a little shared profit and education would lead to even greater profitability. Unfortunately as rappers have convincingly proved, wealth goes to the head of a previously oppressed minority like crack. Well not like crack, the substance itself. Mr Davies’s sentences should be played 24/7 to every prospective politician as aversion therapy. Hopefully they’ll never be able to speak in meaningless platitudes again.

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