Friday, 30 March 2012

Try Creativity, it’s Cheaper.

Apparently in Greece people are going back or moving forward to a direct economy, personal exchange and local currencies, a creative way of iceberging the Titanic of their public spending. It won’t help the deficit but that’s in euros so it won't affect them. So creativity? It’s a bit like dyslexia or a sort of cognitive Tourretes. I was born with it as a relatively rare aberrant condition. Though I have a thirst for knowledge I don’t readily accept teachers are right, they’re just sounding off on a subject they believe they know something about. The only real teacher is my own experimentation of doing things differently, often perversely. Where as learning requires an endless supply of books and teaching and such like, creativity requires a pen, paper, a brush, a musical instrument, not cheap I admit, or whatever one needs to apply imagination to. Where a linear-ite might want new cloths, a more exciting car, a more gourmet dinner, see more interesting places, the creative, by which I mean I, will be happy considering the relative merits of pigs in space or Shauberger’s implosive energy in a shed. It drives Mothermouse mad. But I’m cheap. Guitars, admittedly more than one, have occupied me for 50 years, motorcycle mechanic for the same, DIY for 35 and pen, paper and art materials for nearly forty. And all for the price of a Citroen Picasso. And somehow one learns how everything is connected, how things work and how things not yet invented might work, and how to utilise what comes to hand. Last night our cat Britney appeared in the bedroom at 1am mewling proudly over her new kill. A raw sausage. It often happens when the weather’s nice enough for a barbeque. 

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