Well the US have finally got a Captain Kirk phaser. It’s not a hand-held yet but no doubt it’ll soon be an app for an iPhone. It’s a six foot contraption that emits a ‘pain ray’. I guess it’s more humane than the current death ray hand-helds that fire bullets but, and perhaps for that reason, the army in Afghanistan has rejected it. So it’s back in the US being ‘evaluated’ in a state prison somewhere with the long-term aim of making it too painful for democrats to vote. I feel sorry for republicans though, they’re so often depicted as money grabbing sociopaths and only because they’re already wealthy enough to be completely disassociated from ordinary people and the only desire left to them is to become even wealthier. It reminds me of the Prince of Burundi or somewhere who, having adequate resources to pursue his chosen habit, was smoking 200 a day. At that rate he wouldn’t have time to cough. No it’s all about the convenient notion of trickle down. Money supposedly trickles down from the wealth creators to the ordinaries in a process of benevolent spending. The billionaire gets a new Olympic sized swimming pool and his newly employed pool attendant gets a supply of 7-Eleven pizza tokens. So it makes sense to make the billionaire even richer. Except of course when the billionaire hasn’t room for his fourth swimming pool because his ten acres of real estate is already full of tennis courts. Now should this fourth unemployed pool attendant become unreasonable about his inability to receive his supply of 7-Eleven pizza tokens due to no fault of the said billionaire the latter has good cause to resort to defensive measures. Enter the US Phaser Corporation. When you look at the world from a republican point of vie it all makes sense. I’d buy some shares while it’s still in development.
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