Thursday, 23 June 2011

Creative Security.

Yesterday I found a new book on creativity in the loo and a link from my old agent in my inbox. The link was a promo video from the Air Vehicle Directorate of General Dynamics in conjunction with the US Air Force for their proposed MAVs or Bugbots. These little gems, smaller than a matchbox will fly un-noticed into the midst of your enemy, do surveillance and/or land on their shoulder and blow their head off. My agent was wondering if there might be a spin-off suitable for ToysRus. I thought not. But being ‘a creative’ from an early age, i.e. seeing the world a little up-side-down-ish, I was struck by this contrast between its beautiful and disgusting sides. I guess this is down to its power to connect or disconnect. In this case heads from shoulders. And then as I wonder what to type next Nation Security comes to mind. Terrorists, insurgents and belligerent countries are all out there needing to be defended against. It’s a huge problem that needs our best creative minds to come up with Bugbots and such like, yet we overlook our initial and far more profound creativity of calling it ‘National Security’ in the first place. Surely it would be far more accurate to name it ‘National Insecurity.’ Imagine the head of the government department of ‘Homeland Insecurity.’ “Yes here at Homeland Insecurity we’re totally focused on our paranoia that the whole world is against us. We’re very proud of our efforts to shield our citizens from any belief that the world might be a nice friendly place. It’s a win-win situation and that’s a good place to be. We go in first with the best weapons and they hate us for it. They fight back which proves all our fears are correct and shows how much we’re needed.” The book and I, on the other hand, see creativity as a source of delight, of bringing people together and making their lives easier and more delightful. In fact it’s this view of creativity that actually does make people feel happier and more secure. So come on Homeland Security, ditch the clowns and employ, well real clowns.

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