Thursday, 11 November 2010

Wernher Von Brown.

Every six months in desperate boredom I play ‘Return to Castle Wolfenstein’, a PC game where you shoot Nazis and their diabolical creations. OK they didn’t make megazoids and stuff but Tesla, Shauberger and other German scientists were doing amazing work at the time, much of which was lost at the end of the war or went, like Wernher Von Brown, to the US of A. Cut to 1958 and the launch of the first Explorer 1 mission from Cape Canaveral. It went up fine but due to the limited number of tracking stations was out of contact for about 90 minutes as it went round the back of the Earth. Meticulous calculations had put its reappearance at 12.30am but as 12.30 came and went the team were deeply troubled. But it appeared at 12.42am so all were overjoyed. Apparently Wernher’s calculations were a bit wrong and the rocket went higher than expected. Phew! Well that’s what Von Brown said publicly. But the error was inexplicably way outside expected tolerances. Several following missions showed the same error that simply couldn’t be explained by normal science. Then came the race to the moon. Von Brown realised unless this phenomenon could be quantified they would likely as not miss the moon and fire three good men into outer space, especially as the Russians had already tried and missed with an un-manned probe. Wernher secretly contacted other top scientists. One Maurice Allais reported bizarre pendulum effect during a solar eclipse that too was not explainable by normal science. He suggested the laws of gravitation be reconsidered, inferring Newton and Einstein might be wrong. Von Brown continued to say publicly there was no problem and as if to confirm this the lunar mission went off perfectly. It is now being suggested this secret ‘problem’ has covered up a significant advance in scientific understanding. Back to Tesla. He made initial investigations into what has later been called ‘Zero point’ energy and anti-gravity, as suggested by installations in Germany at the time. Also possibly mass reduction where objects in a particular state react as if they have no mass or momentum. As I say, these scientific results may have gone to the US back in 1945. Now since the 70’s there have been reports of ‘flying saucers’ thought to be alien UFOs, but there are also apparent first hand reports of secret ‘planes’ with amazing capabilities. They could noiselessly hover and disappear in seconds at very high speed and rates of acceleration. There are drawings and scientific explanations of how these craft might work, all based on Tesla’s principles. Zero point energy is being utilised by researchers to provide apparently free, limitless energy by high speed switching of current through an assembly of coils. Then again there’s a raft of unbelievable bollocks on the Internet. “You decide.”

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