Last evening we had a shamanic evening lead by a therapist and good friend. Two young women, interested but sceptical, my motorcycle buddy and me. Towards the end of the evening one of the young women asked if Therapistmouse could cut her ties to an old boyfriend. The theory is we are all connected to each other by ‘chords’ of energy coming from our naval. In a simple ceremony she lay on the floor and thought about her old boyfriend. Therapistmouse felt a thin chord and symbolically ‘cut’ it with a knife a couple of inches above her naval. Now who’s to know whether it did anything more than make her feel a bit better? I hatched a plan. Knowing I have a strong connection with Mothermouse, I said OK I’ll think of Mothermouse and see if the rest of us can feel it. So, I lay on the floor and conjured her up while they all had a go. Therapistmouse felt a thumb sized chord. The two young women were then sent into giggles of amazement as they also felt it, and even my motorcycle buddy felt ‘something.’ To be honest I felt a bit peeved I couldn’t prove it for myself but it convinced everyone else. So? Who knows? Therapistmouse said he cut a woman’s chord to her ex husband once and two hours later, he being on the other end of it, appeared at her front door with a bunch of flowers. Probably garage but still. He also said Don’t do this yourself or let anyone else unless they know what they’re doing. In a group test a while back we tried in pairs to ‘guess’ whether the other person was thinking happily or angrily about someone. I found I could do it with my eyes closed, in silence, just my hand an inch above their hand. But I couldn’t tell you how.
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