Saturday, 19 June 2010


My young stepmouse Tom is at Uni studying creative writing. It’s a subject that somehow reminds me of Plumbing for Accountants. It’s hard to say why. Anyway Tom posted this Facebook page, “Uni is like being on the dole but your parents are proud of you.”  Universities can thus be applauded for bringing forth such irony in their protégés. One thing though these ironic youngsters have overlooked. On the dole you don’t have to pay back the money, they just give it to you. Stick that up your monkey on your back for the next ten years student loan. Which has just ignited an idea, how about ‘Dole-versity’? At Art College the staff came a not very close second to our own inter student rivalry. We got better incrementally by looking over each other’s shoulders and thinking ‘I can do better than that.’ Free of the forty something failures struggling to maintain their self-respect we practiced and read current magazines. Worked a treat. This week I got involved in an e-mail fix of some guy’s motorcycle. Was it the carb or a leaky vacuum tube to the petrol pump? Time will tell. I guess my point is going to Uni is not some magical osmotic process; one learns via an intent, a reason, the pursuance of one’s unique personal objective. Without it one learns only what one needs to to fulfil the objectives of the institution, which usually revolve around bums on seats and the avoidance of staff redundancy. Maybe that’s why Tom et al’s pals mostly post about pissups and pictures of ‘about to fall over faces’, because they have fulfilled their obligations by simply being there and paying their fees. The Internet has given us an amazing connection to vast amounts of knowledge and a wonderful inter-connectivity with our peers. Armed with that, the dole and a personal intent to become amazing who needs a Uni? Join the Dole-versity revolution; you can still damage your brain in the evenings.

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